Coffee is truly a global beverage. It is common to hear the claim that it is the second most popular drink in the world after water. While this may or may not be true, no one can deny the ubiquity of coffee in one form or another. It's a cultural phenomenon that has captivated people worldwide for centuries. Join us as we take a sip back in time to explore the fascinating history of this beloved brew.
Ancient Origins: Coffee's story begins in the ancient coffee forests of Ethiopia, where legend has it that a curious goat herder named Kaldi discovered the energising effects of coffee beans. After his goats became unusually spirited upon consuming the berries, Kaldi tried them himself and soon experienced newfound vitality.
The Arab Awakening: During the 15th century, coffee made its way to the Arabian Peninsula, where it became an integral part of Arab culture. Coffeehouses, known as "qahveh khaneh," began to spring up in cities like Mecca and quickly became centers of intellectual and social exchange. The stimulating brew soon gained popularity for its ability to enhance conversation and keep people awake during long hours of prayer.
The European Adventure: Coffee eventually found its way to Europe, with the first coffeehouse opening in Venice in 1645. European coffeehouses became hubs of intellectual discourse and the birthplaces of innovation. It wasn't long before coffeehouses were thriving in major European cities like London, Paris, and Vienna.
The New World: In the 17th century, coffee journeyed across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. Coffee plantations flourished in the Caribbean and Central and South America, leading to the emergence of coffee as a major global commodity. Brazil would later become the world's leading coffee producer, a title it still holds today.
Coffee in the Modern Age: The 19th and 20th centuries brought significant advancements in coffee production and consumption. Instant coffee, espresso machines, and drip coffee makers revolutionised how we brew and enjoy coffee. Coffee's versatility also expanded with the introduction of various coffee beverages like cappuccinos, lattes, and iced coffee.
Coffee Culture Today:
In the 21st century, coffee culture continues to evolve. Specialty coffee shops, micro-roasters, and coffee connoisseurs have elevated coffee appreciation to an art form. Sustainability and ethical sourcing have become essential principles in the coffee industry, they are essential to us! Promoting fair trade practices and supporting coffee-growing communities are a staple across many brands. That being said we believe the coffee industry could do more. That's why Twigs Coffee has taken a stance on ensuring consumers are able to give back with every coffee they buy, without giving up flavour.
Check out Twigs Coffee's collection of absolutely delicious speciality-grade coffee from around the world that enables people to plant trees for every coffee they purchase.